Artisanat ! A Tunisian Traditional Art of Hand crafting. Decorations, clothes, carpets, furniture and accessories.
As Kairouan is the oldest and most renowned carpet center in Tunisia, the selection is enormous. Undoubtedly the hand knotted pile carpet reigns supreme with the typical design of Kairouan. For example “Alloucha, being of natural wool colors with a large border of parallel stripes of geometric patterns and a central lozenge with a floral design. However, the creativity and artistry of the weavers embroiders this basic scheme with a infinite variety of patterns and colors creating a masterpiece of harmony and elegance.
目次 [隠す]
Carpets Historyカーペットの歴史

Being at the crossroad of various civilizations. Tunisia has always been well known for its weaving and artisanat (handcrafted goods). The ancient greeks already famed the carpets and tapestries of Carthage, five centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ. During the 1st century of Islam, The “Aghlabides” emirate of kairouan paid its tribute to the caliphate of Baghdad partly in carpets and tapestries. Therefore tunisian weaving styles and designs have traveled through the Arab world.
The Mergoum Carpet

The main design of the Mergoum is the diamond, “regma” in Arabic, where the word “margoum” comes from. The margoum would however be of Berber origin, for whom the diamond symbolizes fertility. There are three main types of patterns: a multitude of small diamonds, medium-sized diamonds, or a large central diamond.
Zarbia Carpet

The Zarbia is an innovative and design free carpet where the traditional meets the urban. A carpet is just a decoration made of wool or cotton, Right ? No, not in Kairouan, It is more than a piece of cloth. A carpet is an art piece that has historical and cultural significance and originality.
Zarbiaは、伝統と都会が融合した、革新的でデザイン性に富んだカーペットです。 カーペットとは、ウールやコットンで作られたただの装飾品でしょう?いいえ、ケルアンでは違います、ただの布ではありません。カーペットは、歴史的、文化的な意味とオリジナリティを持つアートピースなのです。
Alloucha Carpet

The introduction of artificial dyes and their misuse, somewhat altered the quality of Tunisian rugs. This led a Kairouan family to create a new type of carpet that takes up the natural palette of colors from sheep’s wool: white, black,beige, gray, Yellow and brown. It’s called “Alloucha”
Islam and Carpets.

Muslims use Carpets in Mosques where they pray.
The oldest Mosques in Tunisia are Kairouan Mosque and Zaitouna Mosque . every Mosque is full of carpets especially kairouan Mosque which is full of Carpets from all the different designs and types. It is a very interesting place to visit, Rich in history, architecture, Culture and Traditions. It is a masterpiece .
チュニジアで最も古いモスクはケルアン・モスクとザイトゥーナ・モスクである。 どのモスクも絨毯でいっぱいで、特にカイルアン・モスクはあらゆるデザインと種類の絨毯でいっぱいである。歴史、建築、文化、伝統が豊かで、訪問するには非常に興味深い場所である。それは傑作である。

Let’s assume that 30% of carpets are handmade the traditional weaving way worldwide. But, due to the new advanced/ time efficient ways using machines (for mass production) the quality of the weaving declines. In Kairouan 90% of the Carpets are Handcrafted the traditional way.(The remaining 10% is just for doubt).
Artisanat (The Art of Handcrafted Goods )アルティザナ(手仕事の芸術品 )
“Artisanat” or Handcrafted Goods are present in the daily life of every Tunisian.
Its a very beautiful and precious traditional treasure to protect and celebrate history and traditions.
Hand crafted furniture, clothes, accessories, tapestries, carpets and interior decor.
Celebrating Traditions 伝統を祝う

Tunisian people are very proud and honorable people.
Therefore, they tend to stick to their roots and maintain their traditions.
They take pride in their history and celebrate their traditions daily either by social interactions or by representing a certain tribe or a certain historical era, by wearing traditional clothes or decorating their homes.
This is just a conclusive Essay that does not provide a very deep insight into Tunisian Artisanat. Nevertheless,
As Always thank you for reading this far !
Looking forward to the next Adventure !
Stay Tuned and Enjoy traditions !
-Marwen Torkhani-